Sunday 14 April 2013

New live videos and gig updates, April 2013

Hello all! 

It's been a little while since my last posts back in February. Been pretty busy on the gig front and had some cracking times, including one with the legendary singer-songwriter and lovely chap Reg Meuross at The Cumberland Arms in February, the Polite Rooms this month with the fantastic Alex Butler (check him out, he's gonna be huge!) and Leadgate Cricket Club in March where I met some wonderful people, won a bottle of wine, lost at reverse bingo, carried on playing with a bleeding finger (rock and roll!) and sang an impromptu version of Country Roads after looking it up on my phone and probably getting most of the tune wrong. 

Aside from the gigs, I have also been writing lots of new material, and training up our new drummer Dan Dixon, who played his first gig with us at The Sage Gateshead last week - which brings me on to my first bit of news... 
(NB previous drummer Captain Carl has gone to sail the seas in France and we wish him all the best!)

Live Videos with Full Band

Got some lovely videos for you! When we played at the Sage, for Licensed Trade International's annual trade show, our set was filmed by an extremely talented filmaker/photographer/illustrator/all-round-star, Jessica Bell. 

Two songs are online so far, Love You All Over, and Touch Ground, which can be viewed on vimeo, or just below!

Love You All Over


Meghann Clancy / Love You All Over from JessicaBell on Vimeo.

Touch Ground


Meghann Clancy / Touch Ground from JessicaBell on Vimeo.

Also be sure to give Jessica's website a look, for some stunning photos and more information on her work. We are also making a music video together over the coming weeks for "Bite The Bullet", which is on the album. Listen to Bite The Bullet Here.

Upcoming Gigs

My next gig is a solo acoustic set at The Cluny 2, THIS FRIDAY NIGHT, April 19th! Headlining is RJ Thompson, and also supporting is newcomer Rach Alana. I still have some tickets left, get in touch if you'd like one :)

You can get more info here (facebook).

Sadly my gig at Old Cinema Laundrette in March did not go ahead, due to JP Cooper suffering from a throat infection (singers worst nightmare!), BUT, we have rearranged and I will be opening for the fantastic Sam Sallon there on May 18th. He has recently released his own version of one of my favourite songs, and a Paul Simon classic, Kathy's Song. Hope you can make it to the gig, it's a unique and intimate experience, only venue I know of that comes in the form of a laundrette! Here's a little preview of Sam...

Sam Sallon - Kathy's Song

And for all you Bob Dylan fans, I will be performing at a special night dedicated to the man himself, at Bar Loco in Newcastle on May 24th (his birthday)! It should be a great night, and there's loads of amazing musicians performing, including Therunningchelsea and George Sharpe, so keep your eyes and ears peeled for that one.

Bob Dylan - Tangled Up In Blue

On that note, I shall leave you with a bit of Bob - enjoy! And hope to see you at a gig soon! Meghann x

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