Thursday 18 June 2020

Life on Lockdown

So... 2020. WHAT is going on. We've all been hearing these words a lot lately, but these truly are "unprecedented times" we are living in, and life has been turned upside down for all of us. For me, I moved in with my sister and her family just before the lockdown was fully imposed. I am very lucky and grateful to be surrounded by my loving family. 

We spent the first few weeks muddling along, getting things set up for working from home and home-schooling the kids, and drinking copious amounts of wine each evening to cope with the shock of what was unfolding before us on the news. Of course, it didn't take long before I decided it was time to write a song - partly to document such a monumentous time (at least of my own, somewhat limited experience of it), also as a way to express all the overwhelm, and the distraction of having a project to focus on. I wasn't sure at first what the mood of the song would/should be, but the first verse came very quickly - and when the line about pyjamas slipped out, I knew it was going to have a lighthearted slant :)

I played the work-in-progress for my niece and nephew and they loved it, and even helped me finish a line I was struggling with. Legends. I thought it would be a great project to get them involved in the video (and much more interesting to watch than just me playing it)! They really stepped up to the mark, and we pretty much shot it all in a day. They took it all in their stride, performed without hesitation, and I'm sure it comes across that we had a lot of fun!

The final verse has a more serious tone, and I really wanted to honour even a few of the amazing acts of kindness that have come out in this difficult time, with communities coming together to support each other. Big thanks to everyone who allowed me to use their image, including Mary Taylor, Keighley Bus Company and Gills Top Care Home, to name just a few - all are credited at the end of the video. Check it out here:

One positive that has come out of lockdown for me has been a real return to music. I've taken somewhat of a hiatus over the past two years, but the last few months I've been writing again, making videos (including this one for a fantastic Leeds-based band I joined last year called The State of Georgia), gigging on my sister's driveway (for VE Day and every Thursday evening after the clap for our carers), and finishing my next album off remotely with my producer Patrick. I've been loving every second of making music again, and I can't wait to share some new sounds with you all. Watch this space...

Stay safe everyone, and remember to be kind to others, and to yourself. 

Love, Meghann x

P.S. Here's my favourite photo from our VE Day gig - my niece and nephew both rocked the mic on their own a few times, and this is us performing "Life on Lockdown" live together. So proud of them!

Saturday 19 August 2017

Summer news update

Goodbye Newcastle

After over a decade of living in the North East, the time has finally come to move on. 
I first moved to Newcastle in 2005 for university, and ended up staying for a good long while after! Over the past 11 years I’ve studied at both major universities (BMus at Newcastle, MA at Northumbria), worked as a peripatetic and private music tutor, jumped into self-employment, ran open mic nights, joined numerous bands, played countless gigs all around the region, made several life-long friends, and met so many wonderful people. I still can’t do a Geordie accent, but have picked up a few select words! Canny place, like. 

Send me stuff!!

I’ve been making a list of all the musical projects I’ve been involved with in the Newcastle area over the years, and intend to write a blog documenting it - if anyone has any photos/videos/recordings of ANY of these bands or projects, please do send them my way! Email 

I’ve also written a song, which I’ll record and upload in due course - need to get my keyboard and microphone unpacked first!  I am currently surrounded by the lush green hills and drystone walls (and many sheep!) of the Yorkshire Dales, where I grew up. We’ll keep you updated with our adventures here, and beyond. 

Press and Radio News

More features for “Chapter One: Lost” this month; according to NE Volume, it is “the kind of reserved recording saved for a seat in your comfiest chair with a scotch on the rocks and a bloody great novel on a moonless night”. Read the full review here: 

And the guys over at Chicago-based blog Unrecorded have featured In Time on their site:

Big thanks to Nick Roberts over at BBC Newcastle for playing all 3 tracks on his BBC Introducing radio show!
Listen again on iPlayer to hear Hunt my Heart - on around 1:08

Acoustic Dreamers playlist - find it here and please ‘follow’! 

If you’ve been following on social media, you’ll know I’ve started a Spotify playlist to showcase my choice of super talented upcoming and lesser known singer-songwriters. 

This week’s new tunes come from a mix of people… probably my all-time favourite songwriter from the North East, whom I’ve had the pleasure of sharing a stage with on several occasions, to fantastic Tony Bengtsson; Jess Vincent, a gorgeous folk artist who I came across during a songwriting weekend in Devon, Scottish singer Yvonne Lyon, with an absolutely beautiful song that I heard her perform at BAAFest last year, and another BAAfest favourite, fun-loving Harry Bird and the Rubber Wellies. Which brings me to the next feature… 


I’ll be returning to BAAFest in Bellingham, Northumberland for the 4th time this September to manage the beer tent stage, and this year I’ll even be performing a set in the Assembly Hall with my lovely band! Our slot is Sunday 10th September at 12 noon. It’s a really lovely family-friendly festival, great music and wonderful atmosphere. Check out the ticket deals and find more information over at 

And finally…

London gig

I’m happy to announce that I will be heading to the big smoke in October to perform at The Bedford in Balham! I’ll be in touch with more info, but I can confirm the date - Thursday 26th October - get it in your diary. I'd love to book in another gig while I'm down there, perhaps play some open mics... please send your recommendations my way.


Oh, and we’ve hit 1,000 likes on Facebook too - if you haven’t done that already and you’re a Facebook user, come and join the family! 

I think that’s plenty to be getting on with - don't forget to check out 'Chapter One: Lost' if you haven't already! 

Catch you soon,

M x

Monday 17 July 2017

Hunt My Heart and "Chapter One: Lost" - OUT NOW!

Chapter One: Lost - Get your copy now!!

The day has finally arrived... you can now get your very own copy of "Chapter One: Lost"
Available on all major digital platforms including iTunes, Spotify, and Amazon (or if you want a CD, please contact me directly!)
Buy 'Chapter One: Lost' on iTunes
You can now also listen to the third and final track - Hunt My Heart. I co-wrote this song with Laurie Shepherd - her music is absolutely beautiful, and definitely worth a listen.

I'd be really grateful if you could stream the track via Amazing Tunes, to give me a chance of being played on Amazing Radio, a fantastic digital station. Listen here.
Lyric video for 'Hunt My Heart'
Thanks again for your support, it would mean so much to me if you can continue to spread the word about my music.
Bye for now!

Meghann x x

Monday 10 July 2017

Life Jacket

Track 2 from "Chapter One: Lost" is now live. Introducing: Life Jacket

Rather more hard-hitting than my last song. It's also quite a depature from my previous material stylistically, and is certainly one of the most serious subject matters I've approached.

A little bit of context: I wrote this song after watching the BBC documentary "Exodus: Our Journey To Europe". A fantastic documentary, and portrait of the migration crisis. Unfortunately, despite all the kind hearted people in this world, there are still those who will try and profit from the misfortune of others, and one thing that stuck in my mind was the fact that some life jackets being sold were not authentic, and actually absorbed water rather then helping the wearer keep afloat. Keep that in mind when listening to the song, which is also written from the perespective of a life jacket. Of all the songs on the album, it seemed an obvious addition to "Chapter One: Lost". 

Hopefully it will get you thinking. Would love to know your thoughts and opinions, please share so as many people as possible can see it.
Music video for Life Jacket
Listen to Life Jacket on SoundCloud
The video was created entirely using footage from Flickr. Special thanks to all the photographer and filmmakers that allowed their work to be used under Flickr's 'creative commons' license. All artists are credited at the end of the video. 

Keep your eye out for next week's video, and the full arrival of
"Chapter One: Lost"

Sunday 2 July 2017


Every Monday for the next 3 weeks, I will be throwing new tunes your way! 

 Original artwork by the fantastic Elizabeth Fraser - this is actually just a small part of a larger painting, which will be the artwork for the full album. It's absolutely beautiful; I'm so grateful to have had Elizabeth on board with this project, and I can't recommend her highly enough. Check out her work here: 

This will culminate in the official release of "Chapter One: Lost" - a collection of 3 songs taken from my upcoming album Lost & Found, focusing around the themes of loss and longing. The collection will be available on Monday July 17th on all major online platforms (Spotify, iTunes, etc...)

In Time

You can check out the first of these songs RIGHT NOW! 

'In Time' is a nostalgic reminiscence of the innocence of young love, and how this can change when difficulties arise. 

Head over to SoundCloud to hear the full track.

Official Video

And check out the music video on YouTube, made by Marc Bird and filmed up in beautiful Alnmouth, Northumberland. 

This is the first time I've put out new music in quite a while, and I'd absolutely love to hear what you think. As always, I really appreciate your support, and if you'd like to share the song and video with friends, family, anyone you think might enjoy it, then that would be fantastic. I'm really proud of the song and video, so let's get it out there!

Until next Monday... M x

Monday 1 May 2017

New website and photos

It is my pleasure to unveil... my brand new website! Visit here:

Recently revamped by the hugely talented Jennie Routley, aka Creative Badger, and featuring photos by the fantastic David Wala Photography

Here's one of the recent shots David took (possibly my favourite, but I keep changing my mind!)

Really chuffed with the website, hope you like it too! If you haven't already, please sign up to my mailing list - you can do this if you scroll to bottom of the main page. Lots of exciting things happening over the coming months to keep you up-to-date with :)

Friday 24 March 2017

New Live Video

Live Performance - Rise Up

Meghann Clancy - electric piano/lead vocals
Paul Emmett - electric guitar/backing vocals
Steven Moore - percussion
Iain Phillips - double bass

Filmed by - Fleetfoot Studios
Sound by - Nemix

Special thanks to St Francis' Church in Heaton for letting us film in a beautiful and unusual setting.

Come to a Show

We'd love to see you at one of our upcoming gigs, come and say hi! 
Sunday 9th April - Songbook Festival, The Exchange, North Shields
Friday 5th May - True Coffeehouse, Heaton, Newcastle
Saturday 17th June - Grassington Festival, Yorkshire Dales
Saturday 22nd July - Wheatfest, Gateshead
Sunday 10th September - BAAFest, Northumberland
Sign up to our mailing list via